Dipl. Phys., Dr. rer. net, Dr. habil.,

Prof. Theor. Phys., University of Rostock 1970 – 1979, Humboldt University Berlin 1979 – 2001

Professor h.c. mult., Lomonossow University Moscow, Moscow Technical Institute, Saratov State University


Brief C.V.: Werner Ebeling, (*1936), Professor em. at the Institute of Physics, Humboldt University Berlin. He studied Physics 1954 – 61 at the Universities of Rostock and Moscow and got his PhD and Dr.habil. at the Rostock University. Since 1979 he founded a group on Statistical Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics at the Humboldt-University Berlin, retired 2001. He is author of a number of articles and several books on the quantum statistics of plasmas, the statistics of electrolytes, the theory of structure formation and selforganization, as well as on the theory of evolutionary processes. In the last decades he developed a close collaboration with the Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad Complutense Madrid, the Jagiellonian University of Cracow in Poland and with the University of Rostock.

Physicist at work, day and night

Opening the academic year 2006 as Professor h.c.

of Moscow State University, great auditory